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The main advantage of planetary ball mill compared to ordinary full-planetary ball mill


The main advantage of planetary ball mill compared to ordinary full-planetary ball mill.

When full-planetary ball milling tank is equipped with four disc on the planet, the planetary disk rotation (revolution), ball milling tank in the transition lane to make its rotation movement, the planetary disc and ball milling cans planetary motion at the same time, but also in do so within a three-dimensional space 180 ° flip tipping bucket, man-made and can be installed in any orientation point run to make the material more uniform fine grinding, and sink to the bottom and can solve the sticky problem of tank materials. The common planetary ball mill is divided into vertical and horizontal planetary ball mill planetary ball mill, both of which can only be in a fixed orientation of the material for grinding, the particle size and consistency as compared to full-size planetary ball less certain, in general all-round efficiency ball mill than 50% of the ordinary high or more, depending on the nature of the material. If you want to grind materials micron or nanometer level, you may prefer to consider a full range of planetary ball mill. 

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